How to Measure the ROI of Your Content Marketing Efforts

Shweta Joshi
8 min readFeb 8, 2023

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of your content marketing efforts is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your strategy and making informed decisions about how to improve it.

Benefits Of Tracking Content Marketing ROI

Here are a few reasons why it’s important to measure the ROI of content marketing:

  1. Identify what’s working: By measuring the ROI of your content marketing efforts, you can identify which tactics and channels are driving the most conversions and engagement. This information can help you optimize your content marketing strategy and focus on the tactics that are working best.
  2. Make data-driven decisions: By measuring the ROI of your content marketing, you can make data-driven decisions about how to improve your strategy. Instead of relying on gut instincts or assumptions, you can use data to inform your decisions and make sure that your resources are being allocated to the areas that are driving the most results.
  3. Improve ROI: By measuring the ROI of your content marketing, you can identify areas for improvement and make changes that will improve your overall ROI. This can help you to increase conversions, generate more leads, or drive more sales.
  4. Justify the budget: Measuring the ROI of your content marketing can help you to justify the budget allocated to your content marketing efforts. By providing data on the effectiveness of your campaigns, you can demonstrate the value that your content marketing is providing to the business.
  5. Stay competitive: By measuring the ROI of your content marketing, you can stay competitive by understanding what your competitors are doing and how they are performing. This information can help you to adjust your strategy to keep up with the competition and stay ahead of the curve.

Now that you know the benefits of tracking content marketing ROI, let’s see how to track and analyze the results of your content marketing operations.

Set Clear Goals And Metrics

Before you begin any content marketing campaign, it’s important to set clear goals and metrics. This will provide a benchmark for measuring the success of your efforts. You must’ve heard of SMART goals — SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Setting SMART goals for content marketing can help you to focus your efforts and measure the success of your campaigns. Here are a few examples of how to set SMART goals for content marketing:

  1. Specific: “Increase website traffic from social media by 50% in the next 6 months.”
  2. Measurable: “Generate 100 new leads per month through our blog by the end of the quarter.”
  3. Attainable: “Improve our search engine rankings for the keyphrase “content marketing strategies” by 20% in the next quarter.”
  4. Relevant: “Establish our brand as a thought leader in the industry by publishing 10 industry-relevant whitepapers in the next 12 months.”
  5. Time-bound: “Increase our email newsletter subscriber base by 30% within the next 6 months through targeted opt-in campaigns.”

By setting SMART goals for content marketing, you can focus your efforts and measure the success of your campaigns. The above examples provide a clear and specific objective, a way to measure progress, a realistic target, a goal that aligns with the overall business objectives, and a defined timeframe to achieve the goal.

Monitor Your Competitors

Again, monitoring your competitors can also provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts. In fact, it can also guide your content marketing strategy from the very beginning. Here are a few examples of how to monitor your competitors using Semrush and Ahrefs:

  1. Track your competitors’ search engine rankings: See the keywords that your competitors are ranking for, as well as their search engine visibility. This can help you identify gaps in your own keyword strategy and find opportunities to outrank your competitors. For example, you can use them to track the top keywords that your competitors are ranking for and identify opportunities to create content that targets those keywords.
  2. Track your competitors’ backlinks: Check the backlinks that your competitors have, as well as the quality and authority of those links. This can help you identify opportunities to acquire similar links for your own website. For example, you can identify high-authority websites that are linking to your competitors and develop a strategy to acquire those links for your own website.
  3. Track your competitors’ organic search: Monitor the organic search traffic and keywords that are driving your competitors’ websites. This can help you identify opportunities to improve your own organic search strategy. For example, you can identify the top-performing pages on your competitors’ websites and create better content for your own website.
  4. Track your competitors’ social media performance: Ahrefs allows you to see the social media shares and backlinks that your competitors are getting from social media. This can help you identify opportunities to improve your own social media strategy. For example, you can identify the social media platforms that are driving the most traffic for your competitors and develop a strategy to acquire those shares and backlinks for your own website.

While monitoring the competitor’s content marketing strategy is a smart move, you should not rely solely on it to guide and measure your own content strategy and performance.

Conduct Surveys And Interviews

Conducting surveys and interviews is a valuable way to measure the ROI of your content marketing efforts by gathering feedback from your target audience and understanding their needs and pain points. Here are a few examples of how to conduct surveys and interviews for content marketing ROI measurement:

  1. Website surveys: You can use website surveys to gather feedback from website visitors about their experience on your website and the effectiveness of your content. For example, you might use a website survey to ask visitors about the relevance and usefulness of your blog posts or the effectiveness of your landing pages.
  2. Customer interviews: You can use customer interviews to gather feedback from your existing customers about their experience with your products and services, and the effectiveness of your content. For example, you might use customer interviews to ask customers about the relevance and usefulness of your whitepapers or the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
  3. Focus groups: You can use focus groups to gather feedback from a specific group of individuals, such as your target audience or a group of potential customers. For example, you might use a focus group to gather feedback about the relevance and usefulness of a new product launch or the effectiveness of a specific marketing campaign.
  4. Social media monitoring: You can use social media monitoring tools to track mentions, comments, and reviews of your brand on social media platforms. This can help you understand how your target audience views your brand and identify areas for improvement.
  5. Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys: You can use NPS surveys to measure customer loyalty and the likelihood of customers recommending your brand. NPS surveys typically ask customers to rate their likelihood of recommending a brand on a scale of 0–10

Thus, you can gain a better understanding of the ROI of your content marketing efforts by gathering feedback from your target audience and understanding their needs and pain points.

Use Analytics Tools

There are a variety of analytics tools available that can help you track and measure the success of your content marketing campaigns. Some of the popular analytical tools include:

  1. Google Analytics: This is a free web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It can help you measure the ROI of your content marketing by tracking website traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates. Additionally, you can use it to track the performance of specific pages, blog posts, or other types of content.
  2. Semrush: This is a powerful tool for monitoring your website’s search engine rankings, organic traffic, and backlinks, as well as your competitors. It can help you measure the ROI of your content marketing by providing insights into your website’s visibility, traffic, and the keywords that are driving it.
  3. Ahrefs: This is another powerful tool that allows you to track your website’s backlinks, organic search, and social media performance. Similar to Semrush, it can also help you measure the ROI of your content marketing by providing insights into your website’s visibility, traffic, and the keywords that are driving it.
  4. Buzzsumo: This is a content analysis tool that helps you to track the performance of your content across social media. Buzzsumo can help you measure the ROI of your content marketing by providing insights into your website’s visibility, traffic, and overall content performance.
  5. Hootsuite Insights: This is a social media analytics tool that allows you to track the performance of your content on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

These are just a few examples of the tools available to measure the ROI of content marketing, but the best practice is to do your own research and find the tools that are most relevant to your needs and budget.

Track Conversions

The main ROI measurement of content marketing, like any other marketing channel, is proven by tracking conversions. Tracking conversions, such as form submissions, phone calls, and purchases, is the ultimate way to measure the ROI of your content marketing efforts. Here are a few examples of how to track conversions for content marketing:

  1. Use Google Analytics: You can use Google Analytics to track conversions by setting up goals and tracking specific actions such as form submissions, phone calls, and purchases. For example, you can set up a goal to track the number of form submissions on a landing page and track the conversion rate.
  2. Use a CRM system: A customer relationship management (CRM) system can help you track conversions by collecting data on leads, sales, and customer interactions. For example, you can use a CRM (hello, HubSpot!) to track the number of leads generated through your website’s contact form, or track the number of phone calls made to your business as a result of a specific campaign.
  3. Use UTM parameters: You can use UTM parameters to track the performance of specific campaigns by tagging links with unique codes. For example, you can use a UTM parameter to track the number of clicks on a specific link in an email campaign or track the number of conversions from a specific social media post.
  4. Use event tracking: You can use event tracking to track specific actions on your website, such as video plays, button clicks, or scroll depth. For example, you can use event tracking to track the number of video plays on your website, or track the number of button clicks on a specific call-to-action.
  5. Use heatmap and session replay tools: These types of tools can give you a visual representation of how users interact with your website. For example, a heatmap will allow you to see which areas of your website are getting the most clicks, while a session replay tool will allow you to see what actions users are taking on your website.

By tracking conversions, you can gain a better understanding of the ROI of your content marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions about how to improve your strategy.


In conclusion, measuring the ROI of your content marketing efforts is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your strategy, making informed decisions about how to improve it, and improving your content marketing strategy and execution continually.

